An Amazing Shampoo and Conditioner Duo In Your Supermarket
Monday, September 21, 2015
It's not everyday that you hear people praising a shampoo and conditioner duo from the supermarket. You always hear of these speciality or hair salon brand products that are the 'bees knees', but honestly, who has all of that mulla to fork out all of the time? I think that price doesn't always speak quality and some of the best finds are actually really affordable and accessible.
Today's post is all about the amazing new duo I've been using for the past few weeks - Dove Hair Therapy Nutritive Solutions Daily Moisture Shampoo* and Conditioner*.
Of course here comes a bit of background information about my hair! I have a pretty oily scalp and I have tried to do the whole - wash my hair every couple of days, but it doesn't work. I've also tried to force my hair out of its oily habits by not washing it every day, but honestly I look and feel so disgusting that it just isn't possible for me. In other words, I wash my hair everyday.
Moving onto the products! Appearance wise, the formula for both the shampoo and conditioner are just plain white. No fancy colours going on here. The scent is a little bit masculine, fresh and has a teeny sweet twist, which I noticed a bit more with the conditioner.
The shampoo lathers extremely well and a little amount definitely goes a long way. It leaves my hair feeling really clean but not to the point where it feels stripped.
Usually when I use conditioners, I opt for a thicker formula or hair mask. This conditioner was interesting for me because it was a thinner consistency to that I'm used to. Instructions on the back suggested leaving it on for 1 to 3 minutes, so I left it on for the full three. When I washed it out, wow, it was actually incredibly smooth. The point of smooth where you'd think that I actually just used a really thick smoothing mask for 10 minutes.
Hopping out of the shower and doing my usual hair routine, I reached for my tangle teezer and my hair had a few knots, but nothing intense. I then dried my hair and my hair was not sticky or oily in appearance at all. There was also barely any frizz.
Where the biggest surprise of all with this product duo is that... wait for it. My boyfriend complemented me and said my hair looked extra shiny and healthy... Pardon!? I hadn't told him that I was trialling anything new and he noticed straight away. I think that's definitely made good use of the expression of 'the proof is in the pudding' - right!?
So would I repurchase these guys!? I definitely would. They don't come with a heavy price tag, they're accessible and they work really well!
If you'd like to have a sneaky look at what the rest of the online world is saying about these products, feel free to have a google or use these hashtags on social media: #DoveKnowsHair #ShareTheDove #GreatHair #BDAustralia #BDExpertPanel
What's your favourite shampoo and conditioner duo of the moment?
Do you always think that price = quality?
*Products marked with an asterisk have been provided for editorial consideration. For more information, please read my disclaimer.
Katina is a recent marketing graduate from Melbourne who is equally in love with makeup and cheese. She is always thinking about future travels and she also believes that she knows how to take good photos - but we'll let you be the judge of that!