Indeedlabs Nanoblur Review

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Indeedlabs' Nanoblur* claims to immediately correct the appearance of skin aging and enlarged pores, in 40 seconds. As I am 20 years old and no where close to showing signs of aging skin, my post today is going to be focused more so on whether this product can make my pores appear smaller or less noticeable.

Indeedlabs Nanoblur Review

Firstly, I love the packaging. It's very sleek and simple. No fuss packaging products are great!

You can apply this product alone as well as with makeup. If you use this with makeup, it's suggested to apply your makeup as per usual and then pop a little bit of Nanoblur on top. The first time I used it I think I applied too much and it made my makeup look a little patchy / dry. In other words, if you do use this, use a super super thin layer. So how'd it go? Fair enough, 40 seconds or so later my pores actually looked smaller. It didn't work for all of my pores, but I definitely noticed a SIGNIFICANT difference on my nose. Without makeup, you just go for it really and I also noticed a decrease in the appearance of my pores - very impressed!

If you are looking for a product to help hide many of your pores, I definitely recommend this. However, keep in mind that it didn't make my larger ones appear way less noticeable - so it isn't a complete miracle worker.

Have you tried Nanoblur or any other Indeedlabs products before?

*Products marked with an asterisk have been provided for editorial consideration. For more information, please read my disclaimer.

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