katinalindaa: The Salt Spray Battle

The Salt Spray Battle

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

For years I have been in strong admiration of anyone rocking that gorgeous salt spray hair and have been trying to make it work for me. Unfortunately, it just wasn't happening. Years ago I purchased one of these products and I didn't enjoy it at all. The other product? Well, I've had it for about a week and I've used it nearly every time I washed my hair.

Beauty, The Salt Spray Battles, Fudge Salt Spray, Charles Worthington Style Setter Salt Spray, Hair, Haircare

If you're wondering what salt sprays are all about, their purpose is to essentially give your hair that volume and slightly curly effect that your hair has one you get out of salt water. 

The two salt sprays up for comparison today are the Charles Worthington Style Setter Salt Spray* & the Fudge Salt Spray

The Fudge Salt Spray is the product I mentioned earlier that I have had for quite a few years. I was definitely drawn in by the 'mega pack' promotion and purchased it from Hairhouse Warehouse. This salt spray smells like coconut which is soo lovely, but I think that's where it stops. The formula itself is incredibly sticky. Not sure if this is because of the fragrance, but it is definitely a product that you 100% have you wash your hands after use. Another thing that really frustrates me about this product is the way that it sprays. You know those spray bottles that squirt with lots of pressure and in one spot? Yep this is one of them. I tried using this product for a while, using different techniques, but it never worked!

Moving on to happier times, we now have the Charles Worthington Style Setter Salt Spray. This also smells delicious, but horrah for no stickiness! The spray bottle is incredible too and I find that I only need a few sprits to cover the majority of my head. I found this formula incredibly easy to work with. 

With all salt sprays, you're supposed to apply them to damp hair. The technique that works best for me is firstly scrunching up small sections of hair, holding them in place and then repeating but with larger sections. 

Left: Fudge | Right: Charles Worthington
As you can see from the above photo, the left is pretty much flat. You can't really tell that anything is in my hair and it just looks slightly ruffled (if that). The right, well, wow okie I like this. There is definitely an immediate addition of texture and life to my hair. The left stayed flat the majority of the day (no surprises) but the Charles Worthington side actually remained voluminous! Definitely impressed. 

I also think its interesting because Charles Worthington seems more prestigious to me in comparison to Fudge but the pricing and sizing reflects other wise. The Charles Worthington Salt Spray is available for $15.99 from Priceline and is 200mL in comparison to the Fudge Salt Spray in 150mL for $19.95 from Hair House Warehouse. 

All in all, if you're after a salt spray, I would recommend the Charles Worthington one over Fudge anyday. 

Have you ever tried salt sprays before? 
If so, how'd they work for you? 

*Products marked with an asterisk have been provided for editorial consideration. For more information, please read my disclaimer.

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