New Love and Appreciation for Hand creams
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Hand creams and I have not had the best of relationships. My mum for example has super dry hands and she therefore uses really thick, sticky and moisturising creams that seem to last until the worlds end. I on the other hand am pretty oily and lucky that my hands are quite moisturised most of the time. Because of this, I didn't really think that I needed to use a hand cream and I for sure never felt inclined to buy any on my own.
This all changed a few months ago when I started trying a few out. Since then, I've started having an appreciation for hand creams because they feel so relaxing and I am definitely one for a TLC session. In todays post I'll be sharing with you my favourite four hand creams that are all slightly special in their own way.
Antipodes is definitely a brand that I love and that many of you know of. Their Jubilation Ultra Nourishing Hand and Body Cream* is on the thicker side of hand creams, but I have found it to be especially fantastic after being in the cold all day during the winter. As this cream is very strong with its moisturising powers, I only need to use the slightest amount. It lasts on the hands for a long time but isn't too the point of sticky. This product of course smells heavenly being the perfect combination between sweet and herby.
Next up is Cowshed's Moisturising Hand Cream*. This smells so beautiful, packed full of essential oils, grapefruit and coriander. It dispenses in a thin line so it is very controllable depending on how much you would like to use. Compared to Antipodes', this cream is on the thinner side and feels slightly more towards a watery consistency.It sinks in pretty quickly but does leave your hands feeling soft and moisturised.This is one of my personal favourites to carry around with me in my hand bag.
Restylane Skincare's Hand Cream* is designed to both moisturise and protect. A little bit sticky, but this is a great one for really giving yourself a bit of a hand massage. A small amount goes a huge way and this cream smells a tad like cucumber to me although I can't see any on the ingredient list.
Lastly we have the Natura Siberica Extra-Firming Hand Cream* with siberian ginseng and limonnik nanai. This cream probably smells the most delicious. I can't quite pin point what it is but it reminds me of a candy I used to have when I was younger. It's both spicy, sweet and herby. This cream provides your hands with a lovely cooling sensation and is of course, luxurious and moisturising.
If you are looking for a thin, not sticky hand cream then I would opt for either Cowshed's or Restylane's. However, if you are craving that deep moisturisation, Antipodes or Natura Siberica is for you.
What's your favourite hand cream?
Or, do you really not like using hand creams at all?
*Products marked with an asterisk have been provided for editorial consideration. For more information, please read my disclaimer.