What The Primer!? - Primer For Oily Skin and A Personal No No

Saturday, June 27, 2015

We all know and want a gorgeous primer to help our foundation smooth on effortlessly onto our skin and hopefully keep everything from slipping off into a puddle. However, living the oily skin life can be quite difficult, especially in terms of primer. Most primers can actually make our skin even oilier or make everything slip around, even straight from the moment of application. I've now put many primers to the test and these two of these three are holy grail status, while one of them, I'm not fond of so much (and this could be a real shocker). 

What The Primer, Primer For Oily Skin, Innoxxa Skin Perfecting CC Primer, Maxfactor Face Finitiy All Day Primer, Benefit Cosmetics Porefessional

Maxfactor Face Finity All Day Primer* is surely my #1 go to primer. I've done a much larger post on this product so if you want to read about it you can here. But to sum it all up, this stuff is incredible. People with all different skin types that I know of have used this and it seems like we all love it. For me, it makes my skin so baby smooth as if I've just gone in with a fine powder. It makes my face appear a little matte, but it's definitely moisturising and helps my makeup not stick to any dry patches or melt off during the day. I honestly LOVE this stuff and I went through my first one so quickly because I just couldn't stop using it really, so I have already repurchased it and guess what? Still in love.

Now this one is a little bit different for me, especially because I am oily. But the Innoxa Skin Perfecting CC Primer* comes out purple, has a teeny bit of a funky smell and makes my skin look fairly dewy. You're probably wondering what the heck, are you sure you like this!? Okay well the purple disappears as soon as you rub it into your skin, the smell is super faint and also disappears but now were stuck with dewy + oily skin. You still might be scratching your head, but oh my gosh. To all of my oily readers who do get dry patches, especially during the winter time, this stuff can be your saviour. Especially when you opt for matte foundations because you don't want oil seeping through, this primer with your normal foundations will honestly just transform your makeup. Your base is so smooth and dewy, but your foundation is still matte so you don't get oily. It's so hard to explain but it basically just makes your skin look amazing.

Benefit Cosmetics Porefessional is what I'm sure most of us beauty lovers think of when it comes to the world of priming. I first tried this product, way way back in 2011. I thought it was quite good but I did notice over time once I started to opt for more liquid foundations and heavier coverage, that this primer actually had the opposite effect  of what I wanted. When I tried applying foundation over the top, it was as if my skin was rejecting the product. It really wouldn't sink in at all and if anything it just kept moving around. This primer is good for making my pores appear smaller but when I try to use it I just feel like it never works with my oily skin plus whatever I want to put on top.

Have you tried any of these primers before?
In particular, have you had difficulties with Benefit's Porefessional?
What's your current fave primer? 

*Products marked with an asterisk have been provided for editorial consideration. For more information, please read my disclaimer.

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