katinalindaa: The New Amazing Eco Tan Pink Himalayan Salt Scrub

The New Amazing Eco Tan Pink Himalayan Salt Scrub

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

When you see the word scrub, you probably think oh great, another ordinary shower scrub. You just rub it on your skin after you've dampened the area, in circular motions, wait for a few minutes and rinse off. Wrong.  This is another a scrub that I've tried, with a difference. 

You actually grab this scrub, use it when your skin is dry and then rinse it off in the shower.  

Eco Tan Pink Himalayan Salt Scrub

Eco Tan's Pink Himalayan Salt Scrub* was a little congealed the first time I tried to use it. This was definitely due to how insanely cold Melbourne is at the moment though, so don't you worry. The ingredients used are oh so good for the skin, including coconut oil which of course gets a little stuck together once the weather becomes cooler. This problem was definitely easy resolved by running the tube under some warm water to break up the product.

The first thing you notice about this scrub is, hey what! It doesn't look pink? It appears to be a white, salty granular scrub, which smells incredible, exactly like lemongrass.

This product is definitely not a harsh scrub and it feels quite gentle as the salt is quite small in size. I've been using this product to remove my dead skin cells and give my stretch mark areas a bit of TLC. I've also tried using it on my face and I really love how smooth it feels afterwards. Plus, I haven't noticed any new breakouts.

What's really interesting is that as the product warms up on the skin, it starts to dissolve a little bit and that's a good thing because you can't scrub too hard to the point where you cause more damage than good.

Another plus is this product is organically certified & if you'd like to read more about the sorts of product inclusions / exclusions you can do so here.

Have you tried the Eco Tan Pink Himalayan Salt Scrub before?
What's your favourite scrub product of the moment?

*Products marked with an asterisk have been provided for editorial consideration. For more information, please read my disclaimer.

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