One Month With Kosmea Certified Organic Rosehip Oil
Sunday, July 10, 2016For the last month I have been using the Kosmea Certified Organic Rosehip Oil*. I am so excited to finally be able to share the results with you all.

Right side of my face - Before
Right side of my face - 2 Weeks

Right side of my face - 1 month

Left side of my face - Before
Left side of my face - Two Weeks
Before we get into things, I think it's important that I tell you about my skin story. You'd all definitely know by now that I'm extremely oily. I used to be scared of using oils because I thought my skin would become even oilier. But, the past few years I've been making more of a conscious effort to use oils and moisturisers and fair enough, my skins slowly improved. But, I still hadn't found a holy grail product that makes that big of a difference.
Since entering high
Before the trial
Two weeks into the trial
I began trialling this Rosehip Oil on the 13th of June and just finished using it today.
I knew I wanted to take before and after posts at the beginning and the end of this trial. What I didn't know is that it would start making such a huge difference two weeks in. Can you please just stare at the photos of my right face in awe!? The upper section of
One month into the trial
I still have my cysts and I still have redness. But, there is definitely a huge improvement. I honestly think the results speak for themselves. I can't believe this has happened in one
If you're interested in trying the Kosmea Certified Organic Rosehip Oil
Have you used any Kosmea products before?
What is your
**This post