katinalindaa: One Month With Kosmea Certified Organic Rosehip Oil

One Month With Kosmea Certified Organic Rosehip Oil

Sunday, July 10, 2016

For the last month I have been using the Kosmea Certified Organic Rosehip Oil*. I am so excited to finally be able to share the results with you all.

Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Results, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Before and After, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Review

Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Results, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Before and After, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Review

Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Results, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Before and After, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Review
Right side of my face -  Before

Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Results, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Before and After, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Review
Right side of my face - 2 Weeks

Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Results, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Before and After, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Review
Right side of my face - 1 month

Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Results, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Before and After, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Review
Left side of my face - Before

Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Results, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Before and After, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Review
Left side of my face - Two Weeks 

Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Results, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Before and After, Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil Review
Left side of my face - After

Before we get into things, I think it's important that I tell you about my skin story. You'd all definitely know by now that I'm extremely oily. I used to be scared of using oils because I thought my skin would become even oilier. But, the past few years I've been making more of a conscious effort to use oils and moisturisers and fair enough, my skins slowly improved. But, I still hadn't found a holy grail product that makes that big of a difference. 

Since entering high school I have suffered with acne. It was predominantly 'normal' acne, so the type that the 'typical' teenager would get. Later on in high school, my acne began getting more hormonal. During 2013 (my first year of university), I began getting incredibly deep, cystic acne. Unfortunately, I picked and created scars which I assume will be with me forever. This year my skin has been okay. It was definitely better at the end of last year when I was doing facials but I just don't have the finances to currently keep that up.

Before the trial 
The worst side of my face is definitely the right. Towards my chin I have clusters of cystic acne where they've decided to hold a party and get together (not fun). The texture is horrible, bumpy and quite painful. The left side of my face is okay. I have some cysts and hormonal acne, but it's nowhere near as drastic. I do however have pretty bad redness too. I was therefore really pumped to be contacted to trial the Kosmea Organic Rosehip Oil.

Two weeks into the trial 
I began trialling this Rosehip Oil on the 13th of June and just finished using it today. Application is really easy. I wash my face, dry it, use a toner and while my face is still wet I rub in around 4 drops at night time into my skin, then follow up with a moisturiser. During the day if I was wearing makeup, I'd apply maybe 1 and a half drops.

I knew I wanted to take before and after posts at the beginning and the end of this trial. What I didn't know is that it would start making such a huge difference two weeks in. Can you please just stare at the photos of my right face in awe!? The upper section of redness decreased so much. I was already feeling much more confident when I looked at myself in the mirror. A lot of the redness I had two weeks ago cleared up on my left side, but I sadly gained new spots in the meantime and they're just deciding to be red to annoy me.

One month into the trial 
I still have my cysts and I still have redness. But, there is definitely a huge improvement. I honestly think the results speak for themselves. I can't believe this has happened in one month so believe me when I say I'm excited to see what happens with continued use.

If you're interested in trying the Kosmea Certified Organic Rosehip Oil aswell, you can pick it up from the Kosmea website for $27.95 here.

Have you used any Kosmea products before?
What is your favourite Rosehip or facial oil?

**This post was Sponsored by Kosmea however all opinions are 100% honest and my own. If you have been reading my blog for a while you would know about my constant skin problems. Thank you very much for understanding how this product aligns with me and my blog. For more information, please read my disclaimer.

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