This and That, Chit Chat April 2016

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hello friends! It has been a while since my last This and That, Chit Chat so I thought it was about time for another. If you're unsure about what this series is, it's basically a little talk that I'll be having with you guys every so often. 

This and That, Chit Chat April 2016

Let's start off with the most exciting update, I'm going to Europe! For those of you who don't know me, I am half Filipino and half Austrian. My grandma still lives in Austria, so every year we try and hop over to see her and the rest of my fam bam. The last couple of years we've gone around Austria, Germany, Spain and Portugal, so this year we're mixing things up. We'll be going to Hungary and the Czech Republic, with a few days on the end of our trip in Dubai. I'm so excited and do not worry my friends, you'll be updated daily on my instagram here and there will also be more in depth posts when I get home. Oh and also, still expect to see two new posts a week on Wednesday's and Sunday's because of course, I can't leave you without some new content.

When I get back from Europe, I'm going to graduate from University. I am so pumped to finally close another chapter of my life and move onto a new one. For those of you who are curious, I studied Marketing at Monash University. My hope is to either work in a digital marketing agency, work within the field of travel marketing or get into marketing within the beauty industry. If you're currently studying in University or College, or about to embark your journey, I have quite a few advice posts which you can read here.

Nothing too much else is new with me other than lusting over all of the makeup and clothing that I currently can't afford. To all of my Australian's living in the cooler parts of Australia, how cute is all of the Autumn and Winter clothing!? I really want to get more earthy toned tops and jumpers! When it comes to makeup, next month I'll have a post coming out about brands I need to try more, so keep your eyes peeled for that. 

What's new with you :)?

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