New Face Wash and Old Fave Body Wash

Monday, May 18, 2015

We all get to that stage where we either run out of or get sick of the products in our shower, so we have to switch things up. Here are two additions that I've recently made to my shower. One's new and one is an old favourite.

Garnier Pure Active Fruit Energy Cleansing Gel, Appelles Comfrey Hand & Body Wash

Starting off with the new. Garnier Pure Active Fruit Energy Cleansing Gel* is an incredibly refreshing face wash to use in the morning. It packs a punch with its citrus fragrance and comes out in a clear, thick liquid. This face wash is so lovely and it cleans all of the gunk off. I ran out of my Biore Wash and I think that I might actually like this one more because it doesn't leave my face feeling as tight. I also love the pump on this product because I feel like just the right amount is dispersed. Just wanted to quickly say too that even though this is fairly fragrant, my sensitive skin has loved it.

Back to an old favourite now! Appelles Comfrey Hand & Body Wash* was my favourite Body Wash most of last year. I don't remember why I switched this product out of my shower, but I regret it! I should have left it in there. Why? Because, I suffer from body acne and this wash was incredible at removing it. I was told that this product would be appropriate for problematic skin but I didn't really believe it. But then I saw a decrease in body acne and all of a sudden a couple months later it was almost all gone!! It cleans my skin so well, without anything harmful and disruptive for acne. My skin is left feeling smooth and the smell of this is also incredible. If you have some problems with body acne, please please pleaseee try this product out. I promise, you'll love it. 

What have you currently switched in or out of your shower? 

*Products marked with an asterisk have been provided for editorial consideration. For more information, please read my disclaimer.

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