Benefit Cosmetics Puff Off and License To Blot Review and Demo

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Last week I was luckily invited to an amazing event held in Melbourne for bloggers called Glamour Affair. We were fortunate enough to have two lovely ladies from Benefit Cosmetics visit, show us and leave us with a few new Benefit products.

Aside from receiving a very generous full sized Porefessional, we also received their new Puff Off* and License To Blot*.

Benefit Cosmetics Puff Off and License To Blot Review and Demo

Benefit Cosmetics Puff Off Review and Demo

Benefit Cosmetics Puff Off Review and Demo

Before Puff Off

After Puff Off

Benefit Cosmetics License To Blot Review and Demo

Benefit Cosmetics License To Blot Review and Demo
Before License to Blot

After License to Blot

Puff Off was released on the 31st of Jan 2015. It an "instant eye gel to help smooth the look of puffies." On the box it also mentions that 94% of users have noticed the eye area becoming smoother; which I have definitely noticed as well. The tip is really cold and refreshing. The formula of the actual product itself is very smooth. You can use this either as a nighttime treatment or under your makeup. 

Puff Off didn't really make that big of a difference for me. But it would definitely be difficult to tell as I don't have overly large eye bags or dark circles.

The Porefessional License to Blot will be released Feb 25th of this year. The claims of this product make me ridiculously excited as we all know that I am one oily thang. The product is an "instant oil-blotting stick" which you can keep with you for on the go blotting without unattractive blotting sheets. 

As you can see from the demo pictures, it is very easy to see how the product helped remove some of my excess oil, in particular around my nose. However, when using this product, be really careful to not apply too much pressure. If you do, it might slightly rub off some of your makeup - which isn't cute.

What do you think of these two Benefit Cosmetics products?
What are some of your favourite products to control or help oil production?

*Products marked with an asterisk have been provided for editorial consideration. For more information, please read my disclaimer.

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  1. Oohh they both look really good in your before/after pictures! I am oil city around lunch time everyday! It annoys the crap out of me! Maybe lunch time blotting will be a thing of the past!! Great post! x

  2. I would love to try License to Blot. My nose is constantly shiny!
    xx Kat @ Katness

  3. The license to blot looks amazing! I can really see the difference! Loving your blog lately by the way Katina!

    Georgia |
