katinalindaa: An Introduction To My Etsy Shop

An Introduction To My Etsy Shop

Monday, July 25, 2016

As you kind of already know if there's one thing I love doing, it's giving you solid blogging advice or tips. I've done so many different posts here on the blog about how to improve your blogs, photos and other general stuff. But, I now want to take things even further.

Blogging Resources By KLR, Katina Lindaa Etsy Shop

I came up with the idea of creating my own Etsy shop called Blogging Resources by KLR which you can find here. Basically, I'm now able to create some E-Products and sell them to you guys at mega affordable prices.

I truly know the struggle of wanting to be able to learn everything and then I find a course which is some ridiculous price of $300+! No way can I afford that and I'm sure that many of you can't as well.

So, here is my very first E-Product - A Blogger Media Kit Template for Beginners. It's a one page template that you can use in either Microsoft Word or Photoshop.

In the actual document, I list pointers of things you can mention and I also include information about how to access your blog statistics through Google Analytics.

This is only a one page media kit so it is great for those of you who want a good starting point to begin talking to brands.

I've priced this first template at $15 and I hope you guys love it.

What's after this? Well, I'm going to make more in depth media kits and after that, I have a crazy big idea where I basically want to make a one stop shop advice book with insanely in depth details for everything you need to start your own media kit from scratch.

I am BEYOND open to feedback and I cannot wait to hear your thoughts or ideas for my bigger project xx

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