katinalindaa: Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed

Sunday, July 17, 2016

This year is definitely a huge one for Benefit Cosmetics. They've released an abundance of new eyebrow products and repackaged their existing ones. I honestly had to pinch myself when I received this package. I feel incredibly grateful to have these babies in my hands and I wanted to be able to give you my thoughts before they officially launch here in Australia on the 22nd of July.

Let's be real for a second. 9 brow product releases is a lot to digest. To make this review post easier for you, I'm going to do my best to categorise the products into how I think they'll best be used. This post is lengthy, so make sure you have a lot of time on your hands and maybe even grab a cup of tea or coffee.

Everytime I've used these products, I have only used the application tools which were provided within the actual brow products themselves. Therefore, I used no other spooleys, tweezers, brushes etc.

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow ProductsBenefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products

One step daytime natural brows
The Brow Conditioning Primer* is exactly what the name suggests. It's a clear brow gel that you can swipe over your eyebrows before applying another brow product, or you can rock it on it's own. The first time I used this product on my bare brows completely alone and quite enjoyed it.

This product is great for those of you who have beautiful brows, and just want to brush or lock them into place. One thing that can be a little annoying about this product is the fact that it is a 'click' product where you have to wind or click the bottom section, until product comes out. It took me around 8 clicks to first get product out and it probably dispensed more than I needed. I'm curious to see how the clicking keeps on going now that the initial product has been dispersed. I guess I should also talk about the applicator. It's bumpy and a little strange. I personally would have liked a normal spooley but I appreciate them trying something new.

For me, I don't really need to use this product underneath other brow goodies as my brows listen to me quite well and one product, or two max is usually enough. However, for the purpose of this review, I did try it underneath a couple of the other brow goodies. This definitely helps add that extra bit of control and allows you to put your brows where you want them to be. You'd also be glad to know that it doesn't crack or get a weird texture when you layer products on top.

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Browvo Conditioning Primer
Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Browvo Conditioning Primer

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Browvo Conditioning Primer

I received 3D Browtones* in a shade that was slightly light for me. What I can say is that this product provides your brows with a light colour tint. It basically helps emphasise what you already have, shapes the hairs, and keeps them in place.

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics 3D Browtones

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics 3D Browtones

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics 3D Browtones

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics 3D Browtones

If you've read my blog before, you'd know that I can't give Gimme Brow* has been a holygrail product of mine for atleast three years. This is my favourite brow product to use in the day time. Gimme Brow provides the brows with a medium coverage tint and adds volume with little fibres.

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Gimme Brow
Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Gimme Brow

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Gimme Brow

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Gimme Brow

Multiple steps but all in one product brows for day time
If you're someone who loves getting the job done and fast, Brow Zings* is for you. This product really impressed me because it has seriously everything that I need. You get tweezers, a foldable brush which has a angled side on one end and a flat side on the other. The product is made up of a wax and powder.

I found it really easy to use. I plucked away a couple strays, used the angled brush with the wax, the flat brush with the powder and I was seriously done. I didn't even need to use a spooley or anything. The finish was really natural, yet put together.

The wax itself looks brown in the pan and you'd assume it to be really pigmented. But, when I used it on my brows it actually comes off almost clear. It only gives a teeny tiny tint and the real power of the wax is to brush the hair into place. The powder is of a medium consistency and is really smooth so it applies beautifully over the wax. I sadly think this product isn't 100% a match for me though because the powder looks a little too warm for my brows. It honestly crushes me!! But, I think I'll still be able to use the wax.

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Brow Zings

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Brow Zings
Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Brow Zings

Medium brows // can be layered with the Brow Conditioning Primer + Gimme Brow
I found these two products to be super similar, so I'm going to review them together. Goof Proof* and Precisely My Brow Pencil* are the type of product that's great for creating small, hair like strokes. They provide a lovely medium coverage on the brows! The only way that I could differentiate these two products is their size. If you're someone that's used to a smaller, precise pencil, go for Precisely My Brow. If you want something quicker, that covers a larger space of your brows, I'd suggest Goof Proof. I personally prefer Goof Proof because I find that the angle is more forgiving and the size of the applicator fits my brows perfectly. I'm also not as tempted to apply a lot of pressure with Goof Proof, which I feel like I want to for some reason with Precisely My Brow.

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Goof Proof Brow Pencil
Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Goof Proof Brow Pencil

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Goof Proof Brow Pencil

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Goof Proof Brow Pencil

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Precisely My Brow Pencil

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Precisely My Brow Pencil

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Precisely My Brow Pencil

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Precisely My Brow Pencil

Bold // night time brows
Probably the ultimate, bad ass, loud, perfect for photography brow product of the bunch is Ka-Brow*. Imagine a brow pomade, but of a slightly drier consistency and this is what you get. I felt super lucky to have had experience with brow promades before because I knew to only take a little bit of product. My first thoughts were 'wow this stuff is pigmented'. It applied so easily to my brows and even after using such a small amount, I was still a little worried that I applied too much. The product doesn't dry straight away which is great because you can use a spooley to brush the product through the brows to make them look more natural and blend more cohesively. After brushing through, I was seriously so happy. I think this has overtaken my favourite night time brow product which was the Chi Chi Brow Pomade. Even though I said this is really bad ass, I still think it looks slightly more natural on my brows than the Chi Chi Brow Pomade, but it's still as pigmented. I think it might be down to the formula just blending in more with my natural hairs. But yes, 100% impressed with this one.

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Ka Brow

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Ka Brow

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Ka Brow

Set those brows in place 
This part of the review is making me a little sad because I wish I could say that I love all of the products. Sadly, one product I don't particularly get on with is Ready, Set Brow*. To me, it smells a little like a Sharpie. The smell disappears straight after application, but just a heads up for when you pull it out of the packaging! I also think this product dries a little too well for my brows where it felt a bit crispy.  But, keep in mind that I like my brows to feel a little more free,

However, I think this product can be great for a few of you. If you have really stubborn brow hair that never listens, I'm sure this will keep them in place! I also think that this is a pretty ideal product for those of you that do sports or sweat a fair bit. For me, If I wanted to set my brows with a clear product, I would personally prefer to use the Brow Conditioning Primer on top of my brows instead of this because I find it to have a similar clear, setting effect.

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Ready Set Brow
Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Ready Set Brow

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Ready Set Brow

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics Ready Set Brow

One of the earlier products is going to pop up here again. It's Gimme Brow*! Aside from using it alone on my brows, I love using it to set my brows. It's great ontop of a powder or a pencil to really keep everything in place and it also adds that extra bit of tint and thickness.

Finish up the look with a under brow highlight
Last but not least is High Brow*. One thing that I LOVE doing is applying a light shade of eyeshadow underneath my brows to really add that little something special to my overall makeup. I haven't really used a product like High Brow before so I was quite excited to use it. It's basically a really soft and creamy, light pencil that you pop right under the brow and rub in. It worked into my skin so nicely, really cleaning up and tying my brow look together.

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics High Brow Pencil
Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics High Brow Pencil

Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products Reviewed, All Of Benefit Cosmetics New Brow Products, Benefit Cosmetics High Brow Pencil

Do you need them all? Definitely not. I think that we all have our own brow preferences and know what we like. Study up and pick products that will fit right into your routine, or I guess try something completely new and different that you think is unique to Benefit. It's completely up to you.

Will I be using all of these brow products? Well, I'll definitely use my favourites which are Gimmie Brow, Goof Proof and Ka-Brow. I also want to also try and get my hands on Brow Zings in another shade because I really liked how the product felt and looked. When it comes to the others, I'm going to keep playing with them. I'll let you know in the future whether they found themselves into my routine.

If that was WAY too much to digest, I am so sorry! This post took me a century and a half to prepare so I do really hope that you enjoyed it.

All of these goodies are available July the 22nd at MYER and Sephora.com.au

Are you excited by the new Benefit Cosmetics brow releases?
What's your current favourite brow product?

*Products marked with an asterisk have been provided for editorial consideration. For more information, please read my disclaimer.

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