My Top 3 Must Watch YouTube Recommendations

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I am definitely someone who is guilty of having a subscription list, way larger than it needs to be. I am also guilty of scrolling through my subscription feed and adding multiple videos to my watch later. I have noticed however that when I do have the time to sit down and go through my watch later, that there are three YouTubers in particular that I never skip over or exit the video before its done.

Honestly, if you are into fashion and you haven't seen Jenn's channel or don't know who she is, WHERE YOU BEEN AT!? Jenn has such a unique sense of style and incredible personality that seems very contagious and  I feel like if I were to meet her, it would be a case of 'what you see is what you get'. Jenn is that person who could honestly pull off any style, any cut, any colour. She gives great tips for all of us hopeless fashion fanatics and even though I probably couldn't imagine myself in her shoes, wearing those amazing outfits, she does inspire me to try new things once and a while. I look forward to her monthly favourites because she also chucks in a lot of non-beauty or non-fashion favourites such as movies, or music and actually goes in depth. 

If I had to categorise Claire's channel I would say beauty + vlogs. You probably think, hey thats what most YouTuber's do now!? But no. Claire's videos are just on an entirely new level. Her beauty videos aren't your typical, girl sitting in front of a camera just blurting out words. Claire is extremely creative with her videos and is always coming up with great concepts.. She uses a lot of stop motion, great editing and other creative things that I can't even wrap my head around. In her longer videos such as her favourites, she goes very in depth on beauty and skincare products. I really appreciate these videos because she also suffers from problematic skin and I really trust her advice. I always get excited when I see her vlogs too. It's probably not even that Claire gets up to many extra-ordinary things that a lot of vloggers would like you to think and see, but you see Claire being Claire, doing her boring errands and hanging out with friends. I absoloutely love seeing this side of her because she does seem pretty badass in her image and its such a lovely contrast. It's such a nice, refreshing change from so many other peoples vlogs that I feel are just put on. 

I've been such a fan girl of Sammi for the longest time. I actually met her in 2014 when she came to Australia for a meet and greet. Surprisingly, she was actually even nicer in person, if that was even possible. On 'The Beauty Crush' channel, Sammi does a lot of fashion and beauty videos. If you were into OOTD's or Look Books for a style that is made up of lots of neutral colours, dresses and textures, Sammi is your go to. I feel like her style could be really simple but she always adds a something little extra that I feel gives her an edge. Her videos are really great to realise that you potentially have so many nice pieces of clothing in your wardrobe that you just don't know how to combine into an outfit. 'The Sammi Maria Show' is just filled with long, down to earth vlogs of Sammi, her partner Jason and their two adorable dogs. I love watching her vlogs end on end on my lazy days.

Who are some of your favourite youtubers?


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